Leica TS15

Optimize your productivity with exact photo documentation of site conditions. With live streaming of the total station view, you always know what the total station sees. Measure all points without returning to the total station. Viva TS15 uses years of experience to optimally combine the world’s best total station sensors: angles, distances, drives and the patented Power Search target recognition camera.

With Leica Viva TS15 complete every project easier and faster than ever before. Realize your visions today and tomorrow. Productivity and documentation rise to the next level with imaging. Realize your visions today and tomorrow. Whether you want to stakeout an object on a construction site or need accurate measurements of a tunnel or a bridge. whether you want to determine the area of a parcel of land or need the position of a power pole or to capture objects for as-built maps you need reliable and precise data.

Leica Viva combines a wide range of innovative products designed to meet the daily challenges for all positioning tasks. The simple yet powerful and versatile Leica Viva hardware and software innovations are redefining state-of-the-art technology to deliver maximum performance and productivity.

Leica Viva gives you the inspiration to make your ambitious visions come true.

Leica TS15 Data Sheet
Leica TS15 Brochure

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